Sunday, February 10, 2008

A Recent Message

I recently received an email from an artist who had seen my oil pastels on the website...she wrote:

Happened to be browsing around the websites and saw yours... what vision you must have! I love the colors... am so inspired to go back to my doodling hoping one day to learn to see as you do. Thanks for all the tips on the site. In the Philippines, we don't see too many oil pastelists. I'm so glad to find out am not the only one who feels comfortable with what is known here as a child's medium, though the colors are indeed childlike, the hand is certainly a master's!!!

Thanks for the inspiration!

When I get the feeling that my website and blog and all my other computer activities are taking up too much of my time, a message like this really is an inspiration to me. Sharing with other artists thru an international means makes the world seem much smaller and brings us together in a way that artists have never had before. I feel fortunate to be a part of this expanding global community and wander just how it will overall effect us as artists in the years to come.

Thanks, Marissa, for your words of encouragement today!

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